GreenEarth Cleaning

Blue and Green can be seen!

Blue and Green can be seen!

How one company is looking at a Green solution for a typically blue product, by Sustainability Director Garry Knox.

Earlier this year I wrote a blog about the average consumer water footprint and what the main contributory factors were and that production of food and fibre were those main contributory factors.

Now there is a fashion retailer who has come up with a Green solution to Blue jeans, to create a positive impact on water usage in manufacturing!

It’s always good to have a great pair of jeans and it’s even better to do something great for the planet. “Patagonia Jeans” has launched its new jeans collection in three styles and more importantly the cotton is organic and the sewing is ‘Fairtrade’ approved.

Not only are they manufactured by using 84% less water (a great way to reduce the consumer water footprint) but also 30% less energy, leading to C02 emissions dropping by 25%.

After several years of research, they have achieved this by looking for an alternative to the traditional indigo dying method.

Here’s hoping that not only others will follow in their foot steps but recommendations for GreenEarth® as a more sustainable form of garment aftercare become part of the agenda too!

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