GreenEarth Cleaning

What does a Super Moon have to do with sustainability dry cleaning?

What does a Super Moon have to do with sustainability dry cleaning?


By: Ron Benjamin

What does a Super Moon have to do with sustainability dry cleaning? For recently many of us had the opportunity to witness a rare Super Moon event and were awed with the beauty and impact our natural world offers.

As it turns out, in order to have a Super Moon occur, three variables have to be at their maximum value. The moon has to be in its full moon phase. Weather has to be clear with no interfering cloud cover. And the moon has to be traveling at its closet point to earth in its elliptical orbit. Without all three maximized variables, by definition there isn’t a Super Moon.

In the same way, in order to have maximized sustainability in dry cleaning, three variables have to be maximized. These variables relate to the way people, our planet, and the economics of the business are impacted.

Since 1999, GreenEarth has been providing products and processes which allow our GreenEarth cleaners to achieve maximized sustainability. And that maximized sustainability in turn assures the least impact to our natural world. The Super Moon was a wonderful sight to behold. We at GreenEarth are proud to play a small part in assuring dry cleaning with no impact to the environment, and smog-free conditions in which to marvel at nature’s beauty.


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