GreenEarth Cleaning

The Dry Cleaning Professionals View

The Dry Cleaning Professionals View


By: Joe Blaha

Dry cleaning has puzzled consumers for a long time, just starting with this description gets many off on the wrong track.

For those whose who do not utilize the services of a dry cleaning facility, they might find their local GreenEarth cleaner has more to offer than they have imagined.

A more appropriate description for a dry cleaner might be something like “textile and garment restoration specialists employing sophisticated dry side (solvent) and wet side (water) processing systems.

It is truly amazing to recognize the variety of items that appear at the dry cleaners (textile and garment restoration specialists is way too long to use more than once, so “dry cleaners” will just have to do) and the techniques required to restore them to an acceptable condition.

For those consumers that see the dry cleaners as a place to bring just their dry cleanable garments, they would be surprised at the spectrum of items that appear and are serviced every day. Casual wear, household items, plush toys, shoes, leather goods, purses, rugs, draperies, and wall hangings are just on the beginners list.

GreenEarth is different from all other dry cleaning systems. It is odorless, environmentally non- toxic and non-hazardous which provides the consumer the best and safest treatment option available to bring this assortment of items into their living spaces.

Many customers have recognized that so many of the casual wear items that were once the domain of cleaning at home are treated so much better at their GreenEarth dry cleaners. They recognize that they last longer, colors do not fade, buttons and trim are not damaged and the soft feel is obvious and appreciated. Casual wear can be as expensive as dry clean only items and deserve the best of care to extend their useful life.

It is no easy task to be prepared to handle successfully what might appear across the counter. Fortunately, GreenEarth Affiliates have at their fingertips a wealth of  support from the professional staff of GreenEarth Cleaning who are committed to promoting the latest operational advances, techniques and addressing any challenges that might arise.

The success of GreenEarth worldwide has reintroduced many consumers to dry cleaning, who had rejected the “old harsh and smelly way” of cleaning, and now welcome the choice of a sustainable and environmentally safe process.

As they say at GreenEarth Cleaning “ It’s good for everybody”




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