GreenEarth Cleaning

Earth Day Celebrating Its 46th Anniversary

Earth Day Celebrating Its 46th Anniversary


By Joe Blaha

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 attributed to the efforts of US Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Earth Day originated in the US but became recognized worldwide by 1990.

20 million people participated in the first Earth Day.

Every year on April 22, men, women, and children collect garbage, plant trees, clean up coral reefs, show movies, sign petitions, and plan for a better future for our planet.

Earth Day was renamed officially by the UN in 2009 as International Mother Earth Day.

GreenEarth Cleaning has enjoyed a special connection with Earth Day as it has embraced its year round commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship from its founding in 1999.

For GreenEarth customers worldwide as well, this day affords everyone the opportunity to recognize that our choices for service providers have an impact on the environment, all year long.

An awareness of the environmental practices and priorities of the companies we all do business with on a daily basis and factoring these behaviors into making meaningful choices of which to support, has steadily gained traction with institutions as well as concerned citizens.

GreenEarth dry cleaning customers may have found their way into the stores for many reasons. While their loyalty may initially be based on qualities such as superior garment care, convenience or excellent customer service, an understanding of the environmental virtues of GreenEarth requires some education. Once understood, the recognition that they are participating in the most sustainable method of garment care now available in over forty countries around the world makes it especially relevant on Earth Day.

It is a time to celebrate that the world increasingly understands, that each of us can in some way, every day, make choices that have a positive impact on our environment for now and the future.

Happy Earth Day from GreenEarth Cleaning!

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