GreenEarth Cleaning

GreenEarth Affiliate Dry Cleaning Station recognized for environmental program »

June 13, 2011

Dry Cleaning Station recognized for environmental program

Staff Reports Staff Reporter
LAS VEGAS — LAS VEGAS— Tom Keenze, Dry Cleaning Station’s co-owner and manager, accepted an award for “Best Environmental Focus for 2010” from Martin Franchises, Inc. during the annual affiliates meeting held this week in Las Vegas during Clean 2011, the national dry cleaning and laundry convention. Martin Franchises is the nation’s leading dry cleaning franchisor, and provides dry cleaning services through more than 600 locations operating under the Martinizing® and Dry Cleaning Station® names in the US and about 15 other countries.

The award represents recognition for Dry Cleaning Station’s comprehensive environmental efforts, which include:

GreenEarth® Dry Cleaning, wetcleaning instead of dry cleaning when appropriate, using Faultless by Nature® products in the laundry, Maruso recycled plastic shirt hangers, recycling Wire and plastic hangers, using biodegradable poly Bags, recycling poly bags, recycling cardboard supplies boxes, using Active Clay Filtration in dry cleaning machine (no cartridge filters going to landfills), having efficient shop lighting, safety Kleen safe removal of spotting board fluids, offering customers reusable converta-bags instead of poly, maximizing shop efficiency (minimize consumables), using Energy Star office equipment and appliances wherever possible.

While attending the national convention to investigate the latest methods to further enhance Dry Cleaning Stations service and quality and minimize its environmental footprint, Keenze also attended the GreenEarth Cleaning affiliates annual meeting, where he accepted a five-year award. Dry Cleaning Station was the first GreenEarth licensee in Oklahoma, opening for business on January 11th, 2006.

Dry Cleaning Station’s anti-pollution program has also been recognized by the Oklahoma State Department of Environmental Quality, having received the prestigious Platinum Oklahoma Star Award in 2009 and certification from the national Green Cleaner’s Council ( The City of Owasso recognized the company in 2010 with a certificate for the Character Trait “Responsibility.”

The company is owned and operated by Keenze, and his wife and partner, Barbara are Claremore residents.

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